Monday, 21 November 2011

Freelance Writers

Writer is a one who expresses in words ones feelings, observations, views. Writing is the expression of ones thoughts. Whatever one believes in and stands for. Most of all, whatever one ‘feels’ strongly about is what makes a piece readable, acknowledged & appreciated. The passion works as ink. The words carry the undercurrent tone & mood that creates in the reader, the effects of whatever caused the writer to write in the first place. Freelance, well the word is self descriptive – Free to be. They have their freedom to approach whichever setup or platform they wish to. They have the freedom to submit to a variety of publication houses if they write on diverse subjects, without concern of restraints.
Freelance Writers are independent & unbound by time limits or other considerations (restrictions, terms or conditions) they would have to abide by in a job contract. There are times when writers go through temporary of long durations of writer’s blocks. This can create further anxiety & overwhelm which of course can aggravate or prolong the already frustrating experience. Thus unlike in a contrasting situation of writing as a job, such phase can be devastating for the reputation & credibility of the writers especially if they are new or aspiring writers.
The topics, the style, the content are all unlimited for Freelance Writers. Their passion is expression & a way of viewing whatever goes on in the mind & heart. They have the freedom to write about which ever topic they wish to write about. However the variety to choose from can be overwhelming! Especially if they want to express about urgent concern issues. Unlike writing as a job, the readership is a probability. For example if one writes for a regular magazine or newspaper, maximum readership is a natural outcome. Whereas when Freelance Writers write for their own blog they need to post it on multiple social networks to invite readers or attract comments. As Robert Kiyosaki emphasized in his book Rich Dad that, to become a bestselling author, knowledge of salesmanship is greatly helpful.  
Freelance Writers  are at liberty to experiment with various genres. One can even enjoy combining different styles. Thereby may end up creating a revolutionary masterpiece, who knows, after all nothing is beyond possibility. With this level of creative freedom   Freelance Writers are able to write & / or perhaps learn to master a variety of creative efforts. This way they can enjoy career satisfaction & fulfillment in what & how they come up in creative endeavors.

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